Sunday, July 1, 2007

2nd half of Saturday: Part 2

Here are the pictures taken from the top of Pillar Mountain facing away from Chiniak Bay and the city of Kodiak.

Here is the panorama showing the landscape, pieced together from 4 pics. You can see it bigger by clicking on it (1 meg, 5000 x 2000, it will ask you to download it).

Here I zoomed in on some of the remaining snow. The peak with the snow is about 1800 feet tall.

Here are the three mountains known as the Three Sisters. The left peak is about 2000 feet tall and is called Devil's Prongs. The middle peak is about 1800 feet tall, and the right peak is about 1900 feet tall. Monashka Mountain (1800 feet) can be seen in the background off to the right.

Here is the road that ends just before reaching Monashka Mountain. It ends about 8 miles out of town. Amazingly, this road is paved.

Here is a picture of the gravel road I walked up to reach the top of Pillar Mountain. You can see the city of Kodiak in the background. I am living somewhere behind the bunch of pine trees.

So, overall, I put on about 21 miles on Saturday - all by my own power - no cars or motorbikes or ATV's. Now, Sunday evening, I am really starting to feel it...

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