Sunday, August 12, 2007

Friday and Saturday

Well, I didn't drive in to work on Friday because it was cloudy, and wouldn't make the greatest of pictures (and because it is pretty expensive). The plan though, was that we would go fishing after work, with our usual hiking friends. However, I didn't know it was right after work, and didn't have a fishing license or fishing gear. So I went along and just watched them fish. I think they got about 6 salmon out of the water, and they kept two. They were probably about 16" long. We were fishing where the salmon had been jumping on Wednesday night like crazy, but on Friday they weren't jumping anywhere near as much.

On Saturday, we went out to hike to Termination Point. We had been within a few hundred yards before, but never went out to the actual point. Afterwards, 3 of the friends in our group went swimming at White Sands, and I just went wading (the water is COLD - well, at least for somebody who didn't grow up in Alaska and went swimming in the cold ocean all the time).

Here are the eggs from the salmon they caught.

Here is the fog over White Sands beach, below one of the Three Sisters.

Here you can see White Sands beach, and again, one of the Three Sisters.

Again, White Sands beach with the fog.

Watermelon berries that we found along the trail. We also found a bunch of salmonberries, of which a few were ripe enough to eat.

Here we are out at Termination Point. Again, my tripod is of use as we swap out our 4 cameras so everybody gets a picture on their camera.

Here is a tree that a beaver decided to start chewing at. Look at all the wood chips! ...or was it a wood chuck - go ahead - say the tongue twister! No, it was a beaver, as there is a beaver lodge, and we actually walked across the beaver dam that holds the lake in.

Here is the strip of white sand (mixed with black sand) on White Sands beach.

Here are the three that grew up in Kodiak for some period of time, swimming in the cold water. It was so cold that it felt better to stand still than to move around. Moving around just allowed the water to suck more heat out of your body. Apparently it wasn't cold enough to be dangerous, but I never liked even the temperature of the water in most hotel swimming pools :)

Well, here are the new mileage totals:

Foot: ~53 miles
Bike: ~92 miles
Car: ~4100 miles (It is 95.6 miles roundtrip to the range. I have driven about 220 of these miles!)
Boat: ~6 miles
Plane: ~3450 miles

I will be flying out to Anchorage on Friday, and should return home on August 25th, unless my vacation time doesn't work out for some reason, in which I will try to come home earlier.

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