Well, this is a miscellaneous post.
The buffalo, this time with the little ones :)

The buffalo again.

An amazing sunset last night (Sunday night). There were thin clouds all day on Sunday, and when the sun started to go down it was amazing. I was watching for it, but did not get everything ready until it was too late to go anywhere, so I just took the pictures from our yard here. They still came out amazing, although I wish I had a foreground element (wouldn't have worked with my equipment though - I need grad. neutral density filters so you could see whatever I put in the foreground :)

Another picture of the sunset.

A salmonberry. These are very common here in Kodiak, however, the berries are not very plentiful this year because of a hard winter. I found a few just across the street. They aren't quite as sweet as raspberries, but they look similar.

And, I forgot to mention it, but Barometer was my first successful attempt at reaching the top of a mountain (sorry, Pillar Mountain didn't count because I walked up the road the whole way, and it was only 1200 feet tall :).
New mileage totals:
Foot: ~48 miles
Bike: ~86 miles
Car: ~3700 miles (It is 95.6 miles roundtrip to the range. I have driven about 20 of these miles!)
Boat: ~6 miles
Plane: ~3450 miles
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