Well, Thursday was going to be another beautiful day so I drove out to work again so I could take pictures. I left early again to catch the sunrise, and boy am I happy I did. You will be blown away by the pics (even the digitals - I hope the film ones come out even better!). It costs me about $25 a trip out to the range and back using the truck (gas prices are around $3.50 a gallon). I took only about 3 rolls of pics on Thursday amazingly, probably because I was running out of film (I only have about 2.5 rolls left now, but I have ordered more and hopefully it will get here before I leave :{. So, here are the pics from Thursday.
Well, here is the amazing sunrise. Lots of nice oranges, pinks, purples that lasted for over half an hour.

Here is another pic of the sunrise.

And another.

The sunrise over the city of Kodiak.

A large male buffalo. This guy was walking along the fence while we were working in some communication vaults along the road that parallels the fence. He would pass us at a vault, and then we would pass him on the way to our next vault, and then he would pass again, and so on. We saw him about 5 times while working in the vaults, and the one time he passed within 15 feet of us.

Again, the buffalo that kept passing us.

A small part of the herd of buffalo on a distant hill.

Looking at a boat through 30x binoculars. Just a unique perspective when zoomed in that much.

Looking at the rocky beach through the binoculars.

A sockeye salmon in the lake at Pasagshak.

Some interesting rock outrcoppings in the bay.

A little island that looks like a partially submerged cupcake :)

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