Well, Mike, the KLC employee whose house I am staying at, had an extra truck that is now up for sale. He offered to let me drive it around, so I decided to drive it out to work so that I could stay late and take pictures. I left early, so I could stop and take pictures of the sunrise.
Here is a picture of Barometer in the "alpenglow" (the warm orange and red hues from a sunrise or sunset). In this case it was sunrise, where I stopped at a scenic lookout.

Here are some of the mountains in Pasagshak, which is about 10 miles from work. There are a number of ocean-front houses nestled in the valley. They have great views of the bay and the mountains. It is very scenic and would be a nice place to live (although quite expensive).

A couple miles from work I saw 2 deer on the side of the road. I stopped to take some pics with my digital (not my SLR because it wasn't ready :(. You can see in this pic the doe and the fawn.

The fawn is still spotted, too!

I went down to Fossil Beach, which is a very popular location out near work on the Narrow Cape. The road to get there is just dirt, so it is full of potholes that are 6-8 inches deep. You have to drive like 2 miles an hour and in 4-wheel drive to make it to the beach and back! There is apparently a section of rocks that are filled with fossils, but I didn't know this when I went down there. I just was taking pictures :) This is a picture of a point next to Fossil Beach.

On the way back from work, I saw to young foxes on the side of the road and stopped to take pictures of them. However, I did not take any with the digital, so you can't see them yet. They were really cute, and I took pictures for probably about half an hour. They were very curious, and walked right up to me and the truck. I think the one was within about 2 feet of me at one point, and were often within 10 feet of me.
When I got back closer to town, near the Coast Guard base, I noticed that the fish (salmon) were jumping like crazy in the bay. It was around 9 PM now, and I stopped to try to get some pictures of the fish in the air above the water. There were so many fish jumping that there were probably about 10 out of the water at any one time, and a fish jumped around every half second. Here you can see two of the salmon out of the water.

Here you can see another 2 salmon out of the water, along with a number of splashes from other salmon.

Then, the school of salmon all decided to go crazy and started swimming at the same time. They stirred up the water and made a bunch of noise. Here is a picture of the stirred up water from the salmon.

Fortunately, we had amazing weather for the drive to and from work. It wouldn't have been any fun in the fog, as I wouldn't have gotten as many pictures. I took 5 rolls of pics on Wednesday. I got back around 11 PM, after hoping for another amazing sunset which didn't happen :(.
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